About Us

The most significant factor affecting building durability is the control of moisture accumulation in the wall and roof assembly.

SRP AirOutshield Membranes keep water out while allowing water vapour to escape rapidly. They are installed in sloped roofing systems and wall cladding systems to improve their durability and performance by promoting rapid drying. In sloped roofing install SRP under the primary roofing as a secondary drainage plane or roof underlayment. In wall cladding systems, SRP acts as a sheathing membrane, secondary drainage plane, air barrier and in the case of open joint systems, as an aesthetic blackout membrane.


Why choose us?

  • 1 Established in 2002, SRP has an extensive list of references for large commercial and residential projects.
  • 2 We distribute our products across Canada, the U.S., and the Caribbean for a variety of projects.

SRP AirOutshield Product Offerings

  • Longest track record
  • Full range of products
  • Water-resistant
  • Cost-effective
  • Breathable
  • Vapour-permeable
  • No UV permeation